weed in USA

Types of Weed (Cannabis) and Strains

Weed in USA Cannabis comes from different strains and in different preparations. The intensity and character of marijuana’s effects vary with strain, preparation, and method of consumption. Your metabolism and frequency of use will also influence how marijuana affects you. This article discusses the options and their pros and cons so you can determine which cannabis type and form might be right for you.

Strains of Weed

Like many plants, cannabis comes in many strains. Marijuana strains are generally categorized as sativa, indica, or a hybrid of both.

Forms of Weed

Cannabis is available in several forms:

Often called weed or pot, this is the unprocessed form of cannabis.1 Weed consists of the dried leaves and buds of the female Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica plants.

It has a very pungent and recognizable odor, both in its unburnt state and while being smoked.3 This odor is quite unlike kitchen herbs, although weed is sometimes “cut” (mixed) with benign kitchen herbs such as oregano and parsley when sold in the underground market.
Weed is commonly smoked in hand-rolled cigarettes, known as joints. The lumpy texture of weed can be felt through the tobacco rolling paper. This is one of the characteristics that can differentiate a joint from a hand-rolled tobacco cigarette.

Hashish and weed can be mixed with rolling tobacco, a soft, moist, sticky tobacco preparation designed for hand rolling. It may also be combined with the dry tobacco from deconstructed cigarettes. This mixture is referred to as a “spliff.”4 (When cigars are hollowed out and filled with marijuana, it is called a “blunt.”)

Weed, hashish, and hashish oil can be smoked in pipes, water pipes, and bongs, or mixed with tobacco and smoked in a chillum. A chillum is a straight, conical-shaped pipe made of clay or stone. Some people have also used e-cigarettes to inhale THC oil through “vaping.”56

Pros: Easily accessible in legal states, can grow it yourself (if state law allows), a wide variety of strains and potencies

Cons: Not a good choice for somebody with lung issues or who does not want to inhale a lot of smoke

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